Our partners

Reviews of dive professionals & dive centers
We are proud to show rateyourdive.com ratings on our website. Unlike other review platforms rateyourdive.com verifies each review manually. In case of a bad review (3 stars or less) they will always contact the author first to proof (e.g. a stamp in the logbook or certification of a course) that the author has really been diving with dive professional, dive center or liveaboard. They contact the profile owner as well to tell them about the bad review. We don’t know of any other platform that cares about the quality of their reviews that much.
No profile yet? Set up your dive professional profile for free here. What could be a better reference about your work than reviews from your divers?!

The Reef-World Foundation
Delivering practical solutions for marine conservation
The Reef-World Foundation believes that nobody wants to harm the very environment we rely on to survive, and that by investing in educating people they can achieve conservation impact on the ground and in the reefs. The Reef-World Foundation's main project, Green Fins, works with the marine tourism industry. We are proud to be a Symbiotic Partner of The Reef-World Foundation to drive sustainable value chains by creating tangible outcomes for the ocean, communities and the economy - focusing on Green Fins in particular.

DAN Europe
DAN Europe (Divers Alert Network Europe)
DAN Europe (Divers Alert Network Europe) is an international non-profit medical and research organization dedicated to the safety and health of divers. DAN Europe's vision is to be the most recognized and trusted organization worldwide in the fields of diver safety and emergency services, health, research, and education by its members, instructors, supporters and diving community at large. We help spread DAN's mission, for the benefit of the whole diving community as a Professional Partner.
Become a DAN Europe member today and get a host of great benefits while supporting their efforts.
Our green initiatives

Green Fins members
Search dive centers who ensure environmentally friendly diving practices
Green Fins is the only internationally recognized environmental standard for dive and snorkel operators, established through a partnership between UN Environment and The Reef-World Foundation. Green Fins members are dive centers that go through annual assessment and training to reduce their environmental impacts!
Find a dive center who is an active Green Fins member.

Marine conservation courses and projects
Search dive centers where you can participate in protecting our oceans
Search for dive centers that offers marine conservation courses and projects for you to join.
From full eco-divemaster courses to participating in Project Aware ‘CoralWatch’ and REEF surveying to learning about coral nursery management, coral and marine ecology.
Find a dive center who offers marine conservation projects and/or courses.

Sustainable web-hosting and digital security
We have selected Greenhost as they focus on maximum effort for minimum CO2 emissions.
Green and sustainable web hosting, from small, simple websites to complex setups with multiple VPSes, is the foundation of Greenhost. They have been front runners in this field for over fifteen years, and they still strive towards maximal sustainability in every step of their production process.
Learn more about sustainability at Greenhost.